From: Jason W Neyers <>
To: obligations <>
Date: 23/10/2022 15:12:16 UTC
Subject: ODG: Vicarious Liability in the Common Law World
Attachments: Giliker_flyer.pdf

Dear Colleagues:


Congratulations go out to ODGer Paula Giliker on the publication of her edited collection: Vicarious Liability in the Common Law World with Hart:  The collection contains many contributions from fellow ODGers (myself included). Here is the Table of Contents:

Table of Contents

1. Vicarious Liability in the Common Law World: An Introduction
Paula Giliker (University of Bristol, UK)
2. Vicarious Liability: The Revolution in Canada
Jason W Neyers (University of Western Ontario, Canada) and Jerred Kiss (University of Western Ontario, Canada)
3. Vicarious Liability in England and Wales
Paula Giliker (University of Bristol, UK)
4. Vicarious Liability in Australia
Christine Beuermann (University of Newcastle, UK)
5. Connecting Cautiously: Vicarious Liability in Ireland in Comparative Perspective
Desmond Ryan (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
6. Enterprise Risk and Vicarious Liability in Singapore
David Tan (National University of Singapore)
7. Employers' Vicarious Liability in Hong Kong
Rick Glofcheski (University of Hong Kong)
8. Vicarious Liability in New Zealand
Stephen Todd (University of Canterbury, New Zealand)
9. Vicarious Liability in Scotland
Mat Campbell (University of Glasgow, UK) and Bobby Lindsay (University of Glasgow, UK)
10. Vicarious Liability in the Common Law World: Comparative Conclusions
Paula Giliker (University of Bristol, UK)


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Happy Reading,



Jason Neyers
Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
Western University
Law Building Rm 26
t. 519.661.2111 (x88435)


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